Helwig Schwartau, fruit specialist at Germany’s Agrarmarkt Informations GmbH expects a good start to the new European apple season this year. After difficult apple sales at the beginning of the 2022/2023 season, the market recovered. in the last months of the season. prices picked up and large volumes of apples could still be sold so that by mid-August, there are expected to be virtually no apples from the old harvest left in the cold stores. Another positive point is that significantly fewer apples were shipped to Europe from the southern hemisphere than in previous years. The expected smaller European harvest in 2023 is the next factor providing hopeful expectations for the 2023/2024 season. Due to biannual bearing, night frosts or heat and drought, no top crop is expected in any country. Once again, however, Poland is the uncertain factor this year. Figures on the size of Poland’s apple crop vary quite a bit, depending on whom you speak to. At the moment (early July), AMI assumes a crop size of 3.2 to a maximum of 4 million tonnes. This is considerably less than the previous year’s 4.75 million tonnes. The question with this is also what the quality will be. Due to poor prices for apples from the 2022 harvest, several Polish fruit growers have cut back on growing measures such as fertilisation and crop protection.
(This text has been translated from Dutch with translation software)